Monday, July 25, 2005

Isla Vista passiflora running rampant

One morning I was out for a walk and spied many unripe fruit that looked like passionfruit hanging amid a profusion of vines. I walked closer, and lo and behold, I discovered it really was a passiflora vine.

Massive passiflora in I.V.

The house/lot where the passiflora vine (vines?) is growing doesn't appear to be currently lived in. It looks like some remodeling is being done on the outside.

Passiflora fruits, pic 1

I took these pictures because I think the passiflora is passiflora edulis, the same as L's vine. But L's only has one measly fruit, whereas the vine in these pictures has so many.

Passiflora fruits, pic 2

I think L ought to help her passionfruit vine along with the pollination.

Passiflora fruits, pic 3

Even though L's vine is in a container, it has been producing many flowers, so I think L's vine has a chance at better fruit production.

Passiflora fruits, pic 4 (up close)

I'd like to take one of these fruits once they mature and save the seeds to start a plant of my own.


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