Monday, August 01, 2005

UCSB Random Tomato Plant -- Update

Here's the tomato plant growing on the UCSB campus by Broida Hall.

It has approximately 22 fruit, 1 of which has ripened to a nice orangey-red. But when R and I looked at the underside of the tomato, we noticed a black/dark brown rot on the blossom end. Was it blossom end rot (BER)?

Random tomato by Broida Hall: Ripening fruit peeking out from under the bottom left corner of the plant

We dunno, but we think it's likely due to the fact that the tomato plant is sprawling unstaked over a thick layer of mulch. We're thinking up a staking solution to prevent more rotting tomatoes, if indeed being unstaked is the reason the first ripening fruit rotted.


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