Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Are these wild morning glories?

During another of my morning constitutionals, I spied some weedy looking plants with white flowers that appeared to be morning glories.

Wild morning glory growing on UCSB campus near bioswales?

R and I saw them earlier at our GHGP plot. The ones pictured here were growing by bioswales and vernal pool reconstructions near the UCSB Lagoon. Can anyone give me a definitive answer as to whether they are morning glories?

Update: Now we know these are field bindweed, a rather evil and tenacious morning glory cousin.

Side view of ?native morning glory?

And finally, here's a picture of the last repotted coleus. I still need to repot the Wandering Jew and Pothos, but that's for another day.

Last coleus, repotted


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