Sunday, August 28, 2005

Isla Vista (IV) passiflora edulis update

This morning I walked by the IV passiflora edulis again. While most of the fruit are still green, several have turned darker shades of purple, and several have also fallen off the vine.

IV p. edulis: ripening fruit

I always thought the p. edulis purple fruit should be a purple-black, so it seemed many of the already purple fruit had a long way to go.

IV p. edulis: fruit in various stages of ripening

This fruit is closer to ground level. It still seems nowhere near as dark as it should be when ripe.

IV p. edulis: close to fully ripened fruit

But I noticed many fruit had fallen to the sidewalk/street that ranged from red-purple to magenta to dark purple.

IV p. edulis: fallen fruit

Maybe some of the fruit had been knocked off by cars or the wind?

IV p. edulis: fallen fruit, different sizes and shades of purple

I opened up the fruit with the darkest skin and found the typical yellow/gold pulp.

IV p. edulis: fruit innards

I saved 43 seeds from this smaller fruit, but I don't know how useful it will be to dry them. I've heard it's best to germinate passiflora seeds from fresh fruit, not dried seeds.


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