Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Yay, our plumeria rooted!

L just informed me via email that our plumeria rooted! I don't have a picture yet, but hopefully within the next week that will happen. We had 6+ cuttings and tried to root them earlier in June, but most of them rotted almost completely through.

So in late June / early July, I took the 2 cuttings that weren't entirely rotted through, cut off the rotted part, leaving only about 4-6" cuttings. Then I dipped the cut part into fungicide, and later stuck the cuttings into parts of E's backyard and frontyard garden that were farthest from the sprinklers or somewhat protected from them. Then I gave them a good soaking.

I reminded L not to water the cuttings much as they rooted. I'm not certain if both plumeria rooted or not, though. I'll get L to give me more details.

Update: L has informed me that BOTH plumeria have rooted. L had noticed that the little "claws" that had developed at the top of the cutting were starting to unfurl and turn a nice shade of green.


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