Monday, August 22, 2005

Update on IV p. edulis, and plant cuttings from R's mother's place, yar!

Arg...back in Isla Vista again. I woke up in the morning and decided to check out the massive passiflora edulis vine to see if any of the fruits had started to ripen like L's sole fruit had.

Ripening p. edulis fruits: color comparison

Even though many of the fruits here are as old as L's fruit, only a small fraction of them have developed that telltale purple blush. I'm hoping to get a fruit or two to start a p. edulis plant. Clearly this plant here in Isla Vista is a proven producer!

Ripening p. edulis fruits: most vivid purple hue so far

Now we touch upon the random tomato plant growing on the UCSB campus. This update shows how our staking undertaking has helped keep some of the fruits from developing rot on the blossom end.

UCSB tomato: Various stages of ripening

Only one fruit is bright red, but as you can see from the pics, more of the fruits are starting to turn orange/red.

UCSB tomato: Ripest-looking tomato

Unfortunately a few of the blushing tomatoes have some black/grey spots that don't look too good. BER strikes again? We haven't been able to water the plant too regularly.

UCSB tomato: Varying tomato skin hues

It was a pain walking to lab today since I was carrying all the plants/cuttings R got from her mother. There were many spider pups (Chlorophytum comosum "vittatum" and an all green one) with big healthy roots which we were able to pot. Spider plant roots are pale, fleshy things.

Plant's from R's mother's place: potted spider plants, cuttings to root in water

R's mother also got her several plant cuttings for us to root in water. The purple/magenta-tinged leaves belong to the coleus cuttings. The cutting with the rounder leaves with a serrated edge is the creeping charlie (Glechoma hederacea). Lastly, the rather normal looking green plant cutting (no serrated edges) is the wandering jew (Tradescantia fluminensis). The name seemed pretty offensive to me, but I guess it's the only common name for the plant.

Plants from R's mother's place: creeping charlie (Glechoma hederacea), wandering jew (Tradescantia fluminensis), coleus

Hopefully little root nubs will develop on the cutting edges immersed in water within a few weeks. Otherwise, we'll just get rotted stems to throw out, and we'll have to send R back to her mother's place for more.

Plants from R's mother's place: better picture of cutting tips

Another coleus and pothos are rooting in the water bottle.

Plants from R's mother's place: pothos, coleus also rooting in water


At 10:42 PM, Blogger Lierne said...

Wow, you're getting comment spam!


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