Saturday, October 15, 2005

L's Garden Checkpoint 7, 13 weeks later, part 2 --

Today I just had to take more pictures of flower blossoms. Below another gardenia 'Mystery' blossom is opening up.

栀子花, Gardenia Jasminoides 'Mystery' blossom unfurling

L's volunteer morning glory has leaves different than the ones I see offered at Home
Depot. The ones had HD seem to have multi-lobed leaves, while L's do not. R says that her morning glories have leaves like these, so maybe these morning glories are more apt to put out seeds.

牵牛花, Another bloom from volunteer morning glory

Here's the other plumeria we planted in E's front plot. It appears to be doing slightly better than the one we planted in the backyard, and has one new leaf since I saw it last. The 桂花 or osthmanthus (unknown variety, likely fragrans) that the gardeners planted before people moved into these units are perfuming the air now. They have a sweet, apricot-like smell.

Down the middle: front plot plumeria, and some 桂花 [osmanthus (fragrant)]

Despite the fact that I've heard oregano grows like mad, L's hasn't. At first there was some animal or insect eating the oregano while we were trying to get the seeds to sprout, but over the past few months it just hasn't been growing very well. Now it seems to have recovered from whatever was traumatising it earlier and will hopefully grow better.

牛至, Slowly growing greek oregano

My passiflora incense vines have died, likely due to too much sun and the people who live at my complex horsing around. L's p. incense, on the other hand, are both doing great. The one she stuck in E's backyard is not very long but branching out more with healthy new leaves.

L's thriving passiflora incense vine

The larger p. incense she stuck in a little garden plot near the walkway and her front door. It's getting long, but most of the new leaf growth is concentrated near the base of the plant.

L's thriving passiflora incense vine, closeup of lower growth

Maybe the p. incense I bought online don't like container growing very much. L's are all planted into the ground.


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