Monday, October 03, 2005

More flower buds opening on Jasmine Sambac ('Maid of Orleans') cuttings

When I woke up early this morning, I found two new blossoms on the one jasmine sambac cutting that had several flower buds. I am disappointed that I only have the single petal j. sambac and not the double or triple petaled ones that are more familiar to me, but they all seem to smell the same. L's double/triple-petaled one seems to smell stronger, but that could be because it is a larger plant.

Two new blooms on one jasmine sambac cutting

The cuttings seem be be happy with the bag over the cuttings trick to up the moisture. The gardenias seem less pleased with that, or at least the leaves seem to be more susceptible to developing dead-looking brown splotches.

Jasmine sambac cuttings, out of bag

Just a few more weeks and hopefully I'll be able to repot these guys. Since this cutting rooting method seems to be working fine for the jasmine sambac, I can't wait to go home and get a cutting from L's plant.

Jasmine sambac cuttings, alternate view

The way I see it, I'll be helping her out since flowers only occur on new growth, and we don't want hers getting too leggy.


At 5:00 AM, Blogger Stuart said...

Great work on the propagation. It's really sad but I get all gooey too when I know one of my cuttings has finally taken root and is showing signs of new growth.

Great work - love reading your blog.


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